Twelve Enticing Facts
Most likely a marketing campaign by Henry J. Scott, the above map and 12 Facts about the Llanwellyn development was published. Who wouldn’t want to build a home here???
Most likely a marketing campaign by Henry J. Scott, the above map and 12 Facts about the Llanwellyn development was published. Who wouldn’t want to build a home here???
Welcome to #southllanwellyn1890! My name is Jen and I am a mom, a wife, a patriot, a volunteer, and a historic home enthusiast. Born in California, I transplanted to Pennsylvania for my job, where I met my husband, bought a house and had a baby.
As many people around the world have discovered during the 2020 pandemic, home is where your heart lives, and my heart needed some help. So here I am writing of my experiences and attempting to stay safe, strong, and sane. Enjoy!
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